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Last month, 博天堂入口成为第一个举办首届UCI自行车世界锦标赛的国家,创造了历史.

Over the course of 11 days, a total of 13 World Championship events took place, from indoor track cycling at  the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, to BMX riding at Glasgow Green, 格拉斯哥市中心和横跨中心地带的精英公路比赛活动, Individual Time Trials in Stirling, Mountain Biking at Fort William and Glentress Forest, and Para Road Racing in Dumfries & Galloway.

Commsworld成为第一家为这一新的全球活动提供连接的电信网络提供商,创造了历史. 这家总部位于爱丁堡的公司经常为包括高尔夫公开赛(Open Championship)在内的重大赛事提供网络连接服务, UEFA Euro 2020和TRNSMT -但UCI自行车世界锦标赛, 在11天的集中时间内结合室内和室外骑行, were the first of their kind on this scale.

In total, 世界各地数以百万计的观众通过电视和网络观看了世锦赛, plus by those who headed to fan zones across Scotland, as well as taking in live events in venues and on the road, 超过200件彩虹球衣被授予新的世界冠军.

To deliver a successful Championships, Commsworld的任务是提供一个广域网(WAN),能够提供必要的带宽,以促进主机广播公司的全球电视广播, EBU, (欧洲广播联盟)向英国广播公司和世界各地的合作伙伴网络,  Including online streaming of events.

Commsworld also provided internet access, 以及为广播公司提供局域网(LAN)和现场WiFi连接, event operations, media, UCI, 接待和技术团队在博天堂入口各地的一些场馆.

Being an inaugural event, there was no template to work from. Not only that, events were staged all over the country, 其中两个最偏远的锦标赛在威廉堡附近的尼维斯山脉和博天堂入口边境的格伦特雷斯森林举行.

Commsworld’s team rose to the task and excelled. 其结果是在格拉斯哥的主要锦标赛场馆之间实现了10千兆比特的高弹性连接, including George Square, the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, Glasgow Green and the BMX Centre, as well as to the BBC Scotland’s headquarters in the city.

这些场馆连接到其超快的全英国光核心网络, 它允许Commsworld保持完全控制并提供可扩展的带宽,以保持连接的快速流动和可靠. The result was reliable coverage, both on TV and online.

Meanwhile, 格伦特雷斯森林和尼维斯山脉的场馆由Commsworld的工作人员通过光纤连接到陡峭的山坡和树木繁茂的地区. 对于团队来说,将网络连接到如此具有挑战性的地形地理区域是一项重大成就.

Commsworld与UCI和自行车世界锦标赛合作,在选定的场地建立有效的局域网环境设计和实施. 局域网也连接到Commsworld的光核心网, 当事件接近高潮时,这种灵活性为大规模的连接热潮提供了条件.

Commsworld的工程师们每天要花16个小时亲自视察每个站点, 为每一项活动提供项目管理和专业服务, 以及技术资源,以帮助那些需要它在现场.

In total, 50 people provided more than 2,000 hours of support, laid 45,000m of structure cable, more than 10km of fibre cable, 137 wireless access points, 36 switches, configured over 1,000 switch ports, and connected 5,779 clients to WiFi. 超过200小时的自行车比赛进行了直播,2023年UCI自行车世界锦标赛的镜头向全世界播出.

一旦自行车手们都冲过了终点线,媒体和观众就纷纷前往下一场比赛, Commsworld’s work was not finished. 工作人员还有很多工作要做,要拆除已经到位的基础设施, as is usual after events, returning the venues to their pre-race condition.

Thanks to their professionalism and dedication, 结果是11天的出色和不受限制的报道,这使得2023年世界自行车锦标赛成为今年全球最受关注的10大体育赛事之一, 展示了博天堂入口作为大型赛事主办国的国际地位.

Bruce Strang, Commsworld Chief Operating Officer, 他说:“2023年UCI自行车世界锦标赛清楚地展示了Commsworld如何在具有挑战性的条件和时间范围内提供可靠的服务. 我们优秀的团队精心策划,不遗余力地确保连接的效率, resilient and 100% operational for the full 11 days.


“我们已经展示了我们为如此规模的锦标赛提供连接的能力,不仅为当地观众,也为全球观众, 来自博天堂入口最偏远地区的多个场馆. I say well done to my team at Commsworld, 祝贺UCI和2023年世界自行车锦标赛, 祝贺博天堂入口让首届锦标赛变得如此特别.”

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